Jathilan : The Java Traditional Arts

Posted by dudung Wednesday 27 November 2013 0 comments
Jathilan is a traditional Javanese dance featuring a group of soldiers are riding a rocking horse made of woven bamboo, the bamboo in a thin slice then woven into a sheet, then cut into shapes resembling horses or often called "horse braid".  This horse matting decorated with colorful paints and fabrics every show Jathilan Usually accompanied by an element of magic. Jathilan also often called Kuda Lumping, this dance is accompanied by some kind of gamelan music instruments like drums, and gong,saron.


Kuda Lumping dance usually only displays scenes horsemen, but some also serve lumping horse looks possessed attractions, immunity, and magical powers, like eating glass and attractions immunity against flogging whip. “Jaran Kepang” is part of the dance performances reog. Although dance is derived from Java, Indonesia, this dance is also inherited by the Javanese who settled in North Sumatra and in some areas outside of Indonesia as in Malaysia.

Nothing in the historical record to explain the origin of this dance, only verbal history passed down from one generation to the next.
That said, lumping horse dance is a dance trance. There is also a version that says, that lumping horse dance depicting the story of the struggle of Raden Patah, assisted by Sunan Kalidjaga, against the Dutch colonialists. Another version states that, this dance tells the story of war games Mataram forces led by Sultan Hamengku Buwono I, King of Mataram, to face the Dutch troops.
Regardless of the origin and historical value, Kuda Lumping dance reflects the spirit of heroism and military aspects of a cavalry or cavalry. It is seen from rhythmic movements, dynamic, and aggressive, flick through the woven bamboo, mimicking the movement like a horse in the midst of war.

Often in Kuda Lumping dance performance, also featuring attractions that demonstrate the power of supernatural magical smell, like chewing glass attractions, wrenching the arm with a machete, burn away, walking on broken glass, and others. Perhaps, this reflects the attraction supernatural powers in ancient times developed in the Kingdom of Java, and is a non-military aspects of being turned against the Dutch troops.

In Magelang and surrounding art is very familiar and often times at shows almost every August would have been very much in the encounter “Jathilan” or “Kuda Lumping” show.
In addition to containing elements of entertainment and religion, traditional art “kuda lumping” is often also contains elements of ritual. Because before the show begins, usually a handler will perform a ritual rain, to maintain considering the sunny weather to keep the show is usually done in the open field.

In each show,”Kuda Lumping” or “Jathilan dance” is led by 4 fragment that is; 2 times  Buto Lawas dance, Senterewe dance, and Begon daughter dance.

At Buto Lawas fragments, usually danced by men only and consists of 4 to 6 dancers. Some young dancers and a bamboo horse dance to the music. At this section, the dancers Buto Lawas may experience possessed or possessed by spirits. The audience was not immune from this phenomenon of possession. Many local residents who witnessed the performances into a trance and danced with the dancers. Unconscious, they continued to dance with energetic movement and looks compact with the other dancers.

To restore the dancers and audience awareness possessed, in every single show is always present the progenitor, ie people who have supernatural abilities that can be recognized by its presence in all black clothes he wore. The grandfather will give bidders until the dancers and audience awareness recovered.

In the next fragment, men and women join dancers brought senterewe dance.

In the last fragment, the movements are more relaxed, six women brought daughter dance Begon, who is a dance cover of a whole series of lumping horse dance attractions

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Sendangsono : The Lourdes Of Java

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In addition to the Buddhists all over the world,Magelang is also interesting to visit the Catholic community in Indonesia,because it is not far from Borobudur district lies the spiritual for Catholics form a cave located in the village Banjaroyo,Kalibawang District,Kulon Progo,Yogyakarta. Marry Sendangsono caves managed by Parish St.Maria Lourdes in Promasan,northwest of Yogyakarta.
Sendangsono very crowded Catholics from all over Indonesia, especially in May and October, for Catholics who are known to the month of Mary. In addition to prayer, the pilgrims generally take water from the source. They believe that the water can cure diseases.
Shows a related note, Sendangsono originally a stopping point ( short break ) the pedestrians from Borobudur Magelang district to district Boro ( Kulon Progo ), or vice versa. The place was much visited because of the presence of the spring (a spring ) that appears in between two trees " sono ".
Sendangsono not escape the presence of the role of Father Van Lith SJ, Dutch clergy who lived on the island of Java. It also indicates that Sendangsono can not be separated from the history of the Catholic Church circles in Java since Father Van Lith itself is one that spread the teachings of the Catholic clergy in Java.

" It all started with a young Mr. Sarikromo who likes to have a habit of looking “ngelmu kejawen” imprisoned in hieratic places. One day, Mr. Sarikromo suffering from serious illness that can not be cured . After experiencing an apparition , Mr. Sarikromo decided to seek remedy with walking on all fours toward the Northeast. The temptations and challenges facing Mr. Sarikromo until he met with Br . Kersten and Father Van Lith . In Muntilan that Mr. Sarikromo cured and are interested in becoming a Catholic . He was baptized on May 20, 1904 with 3 other people . Very strong interest . In fact , armed with a Scripture giving Father Van Lith he tells his life story and teaching the people around the hills fetched . Challenges never stop . But Mr. Barnabas Sarikromo been determined to devote his life to proclaim Christ in the area around Menoreh . Eventually , 171 people were baptized in a spring under the tree " sono " on December 14, 1904. "

Twenty-five years later, precisely December 6, 1929 Sendangsono officially declared a pilgrimage site by Father JB Prennthaler SJ. Statue of the Virgin Mary in Sendangsono presented by the Queen of Spain were so hard appointed a rollicking ride from below by the people of the village Sentolo Kalibawang.
In 1945 the Indonesian Catholic Youth had the opportunity to make a pilgrimage to Lourdes, from there they brought the rock where the apparitions of Our Lady to be implanted under the feet of Our Lady Sendangsono as relics so Sendangsono called Maria Lourdes Cave Spring Sono.
Built in stages from 1974,simply by relying on community donations. Humanists and clergy,YB Mangunwijaya which gives a touch of architecture. This complex development concepts Sendangsono Javanese, friendly environment. Building materials utilizing natural products.
In 1991,the building complex Sendangsono awarded the best architecture of the bond Indonesian architects,building groups for specific categories. On October 17, 2004, held a procession and Mass Holy Eucharist at 10:00 am by Mgr. Ignatius Pr Suharyo to commemorate 100 years Sendangsono.

complex pilgrimage
Sendangsono located a few kilometers from the highway,get into a smaller road, in some places the road is damaged slightly but still saloon car can pass smoothly and fairly high up down the road.
Enter the path to the location as usual on both sides there is a seller of spiritual goods,you may be able to buy a candle or a jerry can or bottle-shaped statue of the Virgin Mary to save water Sendangsono. Complex pilgrimage of almost 1 acre. From the entrance gate,pilgrims would pass through the Way of the Cross . The major cross street originated in the church that is in the bottom, a few hundred meters before the parking location Sendangsono there down the road to even less clear instructions and written a small church. Origin of the church is the old way of the cross. Cross the road distance is approximately 1 kilometres.

On the right of way of the cross was built new in the sense that the smaller the distance one stop to another stop very close just a few steps away. Diorama diorama shaped the passion of Jesus Christ kind of small and sheltered roof. At the end of the cross roads , the court will enter in the middle at the bottom there is a water tap to fetch water from springs Sendangsono,which is located next to it, the source of water that formed as the well is capped ....

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Mendut Temple

Posted by dudung 0 comments
One of the historic buildings in addition to the Borobudur Temple in Magelang is Mendut,that also  be important in the chain of events Vesak Day,every Vesak commemoration of holy water from the courtyard of the temple Mendut paraded down the aisle in Borobudur temple. Mendut is located in the village of Mendut,Mungkid,Magelang, Central Java. Which is located 2 Kilometres southeast of Magelang district capital,and 3 Kilimetres to the east of the temple of Borobudur, and 1.5 Kilomertres to the north of Pawon. So Mendut Temple and Pawon Temple adjacent to the Borobudur Temple.

Mendut Temple

Mendut was founded during the reign of King Indra of Sailendra dynasty. In the inscription Karang tengah that bertarikh 824 AD,mentioned that the king Indra has built a shrine named wenuwana which means bamboo forests. By a Dutch archeologist named J.G.de Casparis,it was associated with Mendut. And according to official records in Mendut Antiquities discovered in 1,836 buried in a state of shrubs.

Actual temple building materials are brick covered with natural stone. The building is located on a basement high,so it looks more elegant and sturdy. Climb stairs and the entrance facing southwest. In the basement there is a hallway that surrounds the temple. The roof is three-tiered and decorated with small stupas. Number of small stupas built now are 48 pieces,with tall buildings around 26.4 metres. Many peoples say Mendut temple also called auspicious,because many couples who have not been blessed with children pleaded to the Goddess of Fertility.

In general,the temples in Java,Indonesia and even in its entrance facing east,but its unique entrance on Mendut facing northwest. Also in the temple room there are 3 statues with considerable size,each of which is made of stone slabs intact.

Dhyani Buddha

Three statues in the temple Mendut,Dhyani Buddha statue flanked Wairocana Boddhisatwa Awalokiteswara and Wajrapani.

In addition there are also three statues are reliefs are carved in some Mendut wall. Eg in the left of the entrance to the temple room is a relief Hariti.  Illustrated Hariti was sitting lap child,around him there are some children who were playing. According to the story,Hariti initially was a giant who likes to eat human. But after meeting the Buddha he repented and changed manjadi protector of children. Even known as the Goddess of Fertility ( Fertility Goddess ). Because that's the Goddess of Fertility perhaps prompting some couples who have not been given a baby frequent pilgrimages to Mendut.

There are several stories ever pair of couples who came from Jakarta to come and pray in Mendut,they are 5 years has not been blessed with children. Not long after the prayer in the chamber Mendut they also preach offspring have earned.

Ever there are also Japanese who prayed for her recovery from paralysis illness. When completely cured,in 1985 to move back to Mendut and build a Japanese inscription,placed outside the west fence Mendut.

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Borobudur, the World Wonder Heritages

Posted by dudung 0 comments
Have you visited Borobudur? It feels incomplete if you go to Yogyakarta before visiting Borobudur temple, it seems not even to go to Yogyakarta if you have not set foot in the court of the largest Buddhist temple in the 9th century. Maillionarise peoples around the world would love to visit the Borobudur temple which has as many as 1460 relief panels and 504 stupas, due to its architectural grandeur and its function as a place of worship. 

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur was built during the reign of the Syailendra dynasty by King Samaratungga one of the kings of ancient Mataram kingdom around the 800s AD. Borobudur temple as a model of the universe was built by the followers of Mahayana Buddhism with the goal of becoming a holy place for Buddhists venerate as well as serve as a place of pilgrimage to lead humanity from nature earthly passion turned to enlightenment and wisdom according to the teachings of Buddha. The pilgrims enter through the east side at the base of the temple rituals begin with a walk encircling the shrine clockwise, while continuing to go up to the next steps in the sphere through three levels of Buddhist cosmology. The third level is Kamadhatu (the realm of the passions), Rupadhatu (the realm of intangibles), and Arupadhatu (intangible realm). In this journey of pilgrims walking through a series of hallways and stairs with no less than 1,460 witnessed the beautiful relief panels carved on the walls and balustrades. 

The name of Borobudur, as some people means a mountain having terraces (budhara), while the other says that Borobudur means monastery situated altitude. Borobudur temple punden-shaped staircase consists of 10 levels. Borobudur height before being renovated was 42 meters to 34.5 meters now because the lowest level was used as supporting. Shape of the building is six stairs steps bottom is square, three levels above and one level circular Buddhist stupa facing to the west. Each level represents the stages of the human life. Appropriate school of Mahayana Buddhism every person who wants to reach the level of Buddha must go through each of the tiers of life.

The base of Borobudur called Kamadhatu,symbolizing human beings that are still bound by lust. Four levels above referred Rupadhatu, symbolizing human beings that have set themselves free from lust but still bound manner and form. At the level of a statue of Buddha placed open, while the three levels above where the Buddha statues are placed inside perforated stupa called Arupadhatu, symbolizing man who has been free from lust, appearance and shape. The top part is called Arupa that symbolizes nirvana where Buddha is residing. Each terrace has beautiful relief panels showing how skillful. Relief that will be read coherently when we walk in a clockwise direction (towards the left of the entrance of the temple). On the reliefs of Borobudur tells of a legendary story of Ramayana. In addition there are relief panels describing the condition of society at that time. For example, relief of farmers' activity reflecting the advance of the cruise that was based in Bergotta (Semarang). All relief panels in Borobudur temple reflect the Buddha's teachings. Hence this temple functions as educating the media for people who want to learn Buddhism 

According to historical evidence, Borobudur was abandoned in the 14th century as the weakening influence of Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms in Java, and started the influence of Islam. The world began to realize the existence of this building since it was discovered in 1814 by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who was then serving as Governor-General of British over Java. Since then it has undergone a series of Borobudur rescue and restoration efforts. The largest restoration project was held in the period 1975 to 1982 the efforts of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and UNESCO, and historic sites in the list of World Heritage sites.

Borobudur is still used as a place of religious pilgrimage; each year Buddhists who come from all over Indonesia and abroad gather at Borobudur to commemorate Vesak Trisuci. In the world of tourism, tourism Borobudur is Indonesia's single most visited tourist.

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how wonderfull magelang

Posted by dudung 0 comments
Magelang district is located in the heart of Central Java,precisely in the area of ​​employment or residency Kedu located at 110 - 01' - 51 "E up to 110 - 26' - 58 " E , and 70 - 19' - 13 " LS up to 70-42 ' -16 " LS, with an area of ​​1,085.73 Kilometers.

Topography Magelang district is surrounded by several mountains,the Mount Cleft,Mount Telomoyo,Mount Merbabu,Mount Merapi and Menoreh Mountains. Magelang district is at the lowest altitude of 202 meters and the highest at 1,378 metres above sea level,making it almost the entire district magelang cool tube.


Nature according to its location,Magelang regency, the area has a lot of natural resources,such as:
1.Jero recreation forest gap with sabo ceter in  Srumbung district.
2.Kedungkayang waterfalls with views of Mount Merapi in Sawangan district.
3.View Merapi volcano and seismographic vibrations in the village babadan Srumbung.
4.Sekarlangit waterfalls,seloprojo waterfalls,hot springs and temples in the district pennant grabag,gondopurowangi cave in Borobudur district.

for the types of activities that can be developed from the existing natural resources,among others :

 a.Climbing the Mountain.
 b.Camping / camp.
 d.Leisurely stroll


In Magelang district a lot of historical relics illustrating the high level of culture of the ancestors in the spiritual field,culture and technology / architecture such as temples,this is an OBJECT TOUR HISTORY / archeology.

The largest Buddhist temple in the world which is one of masterpiece "Master Piece" of the seven wonders of the world,located in the village of Borobudur,Borobudur district, 3 km from the city Mungkid ( 40 kilometers from Yogyakarta )
Area of ​​the temple was built by King Samaratungga of the Sailendra dynasty in the seventh century.Currently Borobudur temple area equipped with garden tours,Manohara hotel, audio- visual facilities,souvenir shop,parking lot, bathroom and toilet,elephant,mini train,museum,  various endangered species,restouran,health services,money changer.

Is a Buddhist holy sites in addition to the temple Borobudur.Pawon temple located 2 miles from the Borobudur temple,the temple Mendut are within 4 kilometers adjacent to the monasteries of Buddhism. "Trisuci" Memorial Day / Vesak that every year once the implementation memorial ceremony Trisuci / Vesak at the time of the full moon ( purnamasidhi ) in the month of May each year,and attended by thousands of people from all over the Indonesian Buddhist and Buddhist representatives of friendly countries. Many people witnessed the ritual ceremony and procession of holy water and the eternal flame of Mendut te mple to Borobudur temple altar. 

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